Your Voice Matters (Ebook)
According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reportedly in Australia in 2014-2015 there where 4.0 million (17.5%) people experienced “Mental Health and Behavioural Conditions”. This memoir brings a way of understanding and compassion to generational patterns and behaviours, which potentially. Inspires Change, Your Change, Your Voice! “An easy read with a compelling message! Immediately you will feel connected with the main character in the book. You feel her turmoil, as she broke the shackles of her life. It’s light and humorous at times, and she doesn’t hold back! If you feel you are a little off course and need a glimmer of hope, this will inspire and support your journey.
I loved it!!! It made me laugh with you in some parts and some made me cry and all of it made me so proud of you <3 There were things I had no idea about the scale/severity of what was happening in your life. I am sorry to hear what it was like for you growing up, yet, I am so proud of how far you have come from your journey, keep going your story will inspire others!
Helen Wright was is inspired to write her story after hearing so many people was having the similar experiences and they were looking for answers. She believes anyone can create the life they desire. Helen has a wide skillset across a variety of industries, including Hairdressing, Retail, Marketing, Management, Real Estate, and is an Accredited Trainer. Her uncanny knowing and understanding of people, helps bring their best out. As a Mentor and Theta Healer Practitioner supporting and inspiring others to design their lives to their true potential!
I am sure you wrote this for me, I cried, I nodded a lot, I understood ‘things’ I related to parts of your story, I totally got you! You reminded me of ways to help myself, in which I had forgotten to do and you have reminded me of how good I felt when I have been in the right place. You have inspired me to put into practice what we learnt all those years ago.
Bev, Sydney